Our B-3 Respite Care is time-limited and offers periodic support to primary caregivers from the responsibility and stress of caring for children/youth (ages 3 to 21) with a mental health, development or substance use diagnosis. The length of respite may range from 3 to 6 hours per day for up to 24 days per year.
Rapid Response service is provided to youth who are appropriate for Level II Therapeutic Foster Care and who need emergency placement for a period up to 21 days. This program can also assist those who have had their current foster care placement disrupted.
Founder and President, Clarence Sutton, created CTS through his vision of improving the quality of life for children who have experienced unfortunate situations beyond their control. Clarence’s passion for fostering and restoring a child’s belief in his/her potential has continued to be a motivating factor in the agency's and staff's best practices.